The Lizard Rises


Not sure if he just pooped or loves taking selfies, but that is one happy lizard

Spent a couple days leveling up my shaman. Stocked up on spells before heading out, originally heading to Befallen for some group action. The zone was surprisingly empty though, so I spent some time killing at the zone in and eeked out a level, bringing me to level 9. While laying low some skeletons, I got an invite to another spot I had not been to before, the South Ro crocs. Since it wasn’t too far of a run, I agreed to check it out. I made my way over and joined a jolly band of ruffians.

The group banter was great. This was the EQ of old that I remembered. Not only did we get some great experience, we made some good friends and had some laughs. This reminded me of the magic of EQ – spending some time with strangers, having a good time, and progressing all at the same time. I know with the current status of live servers in the sub-top game, finding a group like this would probably be a near impossibility. Was a very enjoyable time.

I managed to knock out some more levels, and ended up at level 15 before I knew it. I headed out, grabbed my next set of spells (got them up to level 20), and called it a night.

Logged in again the next day and headed back to Unrest. Found a group on my first /ooc. Although the group lacked the personality of the day before, we still had a jolly time clearing the bottom floor of the mansion. So much so in fact, we were often waiting on repops. I hit level 17 and a tanking spot opened up, so I brought my SK into the group for my first true “boxing” time with my two characters. Since my SK was already level 22, tanking/pulling was pretty much a breeze. Slaughtered for a bit more and hit level 18 on the shaman, while still making 50% through 22 on my SK. Working on getting my socials set up on my shaman for easier spell casting will be essential. Did make a couple for slowing/nuking/healing, but plan to fine tune this as time goes on and I get more useful sets of spells.

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