Monotonous Frogloks


Well, I can safely say I am sick of looking at ugly frogs. Have been hanging out in LGuk at various camps. Spent a day at the assassin camp, grinding away on these undead baddies. Squeaked out a few levels on each toon, and have not had too hard a time getting groups. Usually either find the camp open or join up. Even got lucky once and logged in at the camp from the day before, and instantly joined a group there that needed a tank and healer. All in all it has been going pretty smooth, especially with the abundance of enchanters around to cast clarity and keep the CC up!

Aside from killing froggies, I spent about 30 minutes starting up faction work for my shaman epic. Killed ol’ Peg Leg in Butcherblock a few times, and did three turn ins to get going on my True Spirit faction. Going to have to find a kind (or capitalistic) druid to port me over to BB to speed it up. Taking the translocators and running through EFP is both time consuming and nerve wracking. Luckily invis held up on my few runs through though.

Logged in today in the Commonlands, not entirely sure where I wanted to go. I took the opportunity to sell off a bunch of crap from my bags, and threw up LFG. Spent about 20 minutes mass casting divination spells on both my toons to assist in casting invis, since I seem to fizzle about 25% mana trying to get the bastards to cast. Also bought some bat wings from a new player for levitation when I need it.

While I was busy casting away, a cleric in the tunnel asked if I wanted to form a group. I said sure, and before I knew it we were on our way back to LGuk. Wasn’t too thrilled to go back yet again, but I resolved to go father in and get a higher level camp than assassin. We gathered up some other members as we made our way over, and were a full group by the time I zoned in. There were two picks up, and we went into number 2. Found the zone pretty much empty, aside from someone camping Raster. Excellent! We headed down to the Executioner camp, and began the age old slaughter of frogs. The only plus for this zone is I am cutting down on the faction needed for Crown of Deceit, which I plan to quest on both toons when PoP rolls out. Maybe I have a wood elf fetish… I should probably look into that.

After a few hours of pulling and slaying, I moved the group over to the frenzy camp. Figured we could at least try to get some good loot while we were mindlessly killing. It went pretty well, until we had two group replacements come down and I died trying to IVU one of them when I ran into a train with bats in it, among a gang of undead. Was pretty frustrating, since I had to run my SK back all the way from Commonlands. But I trudged it out and we made it back to camp safely on round two.


Deep inside the froglok lair


WRU Frenzied ghoul?!

By the end of the day I had gotten 60% into 39 on my SK, and about 50% into 38 on my SHM. I logged out in the safe room down below. I think my next play session will see me heading over to City of Mist after gathering my next set of spells. The exp is still great down in LGuk, but I am just getting tired of the zone. A little variety would be welcome. Glad to be just about ready to enter my 40’s though!

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