What’s This Button Do?

Just a quick update tonight. Did a couple exp groups at assassin camp in LGuk, bringing shaman up to 34, SK to 36. Moving right along, though I am going to have to move farther in soon. Getting light blue mobs on some pulls, and lower cons if we pull towards BR. All in all it went well though the first night was a bit shaky… oh and someone over at DBG hit the “launch” button on the next expansion a week early!

The first night we had a paladin in group who was still new, and claimed he solo’ed to level 35 (he was also wearing expensive twink gear – go figure). Had to guide him to the zone and lead him to camp, which wouldn’t have been too bad. It soon became apparent he did not have his keys set up to tab to nearest NPC. As such, he was constantly click corpses, which was clear as he was the MA. Gave him some direction as well as the handy /hidecorpse commands. This seemed to help him out though, and I am not one to belittle anyone who needs to learn.

The only thing that bugged me was after the rest of the group had left. I informed him I was going to camp and head out, but he pulled a group, took a wrong turn, pulled another group, and trained us (just three of us, my shaman box, SK, and him). We all died. Was not very pleasing. I buffed up in CL, and logged off feeling a bit disgruntled.

While checking the forums today, I discovered that through some sort of error, Velious had been launched a week early. I did a little research into the zone levels, just to refresh my memory. When I logged in tonight I did a run to Crystal Caverns, and killed some Ry`gorr orcs on the way for good measure. Mostly was a trip for nostalgia, and so I could claim I charged into Velious on the opening day (forgot to take screenshots). I took the translocator from North Ro to get the full effect, though I guess taking the boat would have been more “original” but I did not want to wait for it.

While there I got an invite to LGuk, and though it was out of my way, I origined and gated back and headed over. Managed to level my SK and get most of the way through level 34 on my shaman. Sadly I am pretty tired tonight, so I couldn’t stay long enough to finish the level on my shaman. But I shall return tomorrow in full force and get back what I missed!

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